Poems n' Such

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The Following are Original Works


A Small Life

You don’t mean much to the world,

Humble little grass eater with fur,

We don’t pay much attention,

God created you to brighten the world,

To take the edge off the horror,

Our sin is the paint of which this world was done in,

We evil creatures that have never ceased, to destroy,

All we create is chaos,

You humble little creature, how were you to know,

This would be your last night on earth,

That my selfish distraction would end a life,

Small life, but it hits me hard,

God please forgive me,

My sins are many, my sorrow great,

Over such a small thing, that has shaken me,

Help me not to be so distracted,

Oh father these precious animals put under our care,

May they continue on their way safely,

Oh small soul, I have your blood upon my hands,

My tears wash them clean again and I can only see now,

Clearer than before.

Dear life, dear beautiful life that God has created,

May I let myself be humbled, by such love.

Thank you small life, I mourn for you, though many would not.

Thank you God for brightening our world and may I not forget,

That small life that has changed mine.


CAN Doesn’t equal SHOULD

I remember watching Jurassic Park. Dr. Malcom is sitting at a discussion over dinner and in response to the arguments around him for supporting an amusement park badly out of proportion he says, “...they are so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Why do I highlight this? It made me think. Not just about how really stupid it was to clone dinosaurs in our modern times, but how really stupid it was to clone anything. To screw around with human genes. To create test tube babies for desperate parents. To sleep with a member of the same gender, because you want to. To cheat on your spouse, because it makes you happy. To break the rules, because rules were made to be broken. Only a few examples of the modern state of our human race on earth.

Now assume that God does exist, which He does. He gave us law. The ten commandments, the mosaic laws, Jesus’ teachings, Paul’s teachings and many others in the Bible. Now since He is the author of this manual and He is in fact the final answer to all things in the universe, we should pay attention to it. If you are one of millions on the earth who choose to worship other gods, like Buddha, Allah and Muhammad, money, sex, power, fame, even an obsession with collecting, you probably could care less about the only and true God which is more of some ancient myth that people made up thousands of years ago to explain the unexplainable and so choose to ignore anything to do with Him. Instead we look to science and government and new age philosophers to provide the guidelines of belief to explain what we can’t see ourselves. So then comes the question, “Why not?”

There have been homosexual people around since almost the very beginning. No doubt a few of Noah’s neighbors were a happy gay couple. Well, people did it, they do it now so what’s the problem. It can be done. Especially in 21st century America, where being gay is perfectly acceptable. So do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else right? What ever makes you happy. As long as it’s legal. Consider AIDS, three letters that spell death. It’s long been known by science and society as a disease that seems to bring to mind first, a gay man. Why? Even though this disease can spread to gay and straight alike, why is it so prominent in gay communities? It’s not just some unfortunate fate that was randomly dealt out to these victims. It’s the very proof and reasoning why God outlawed homosexuality. Even lesbians suffer from various prominent diseases resulting from their ungodly behavior. God knew before any human ever saw a microbe under a scope, what would happen as a result of contradicting these laws. He gave them to us to protect us. It was our total disregard and disrespect for them, that we continue to dig our holes of sin in our lives.

Tolerance. It was taught to us in highschool. They had “Tolerance” Day and spread this positive message to all the students with big smiles on their faces. This is the religion that our liberated society wants to convert us all to. Accept what others do, no matter how much it might offend you. It’s so unpleasant and hateful for someone to stand up for their belief in God and His laws for humanity designed for our benefit to keep us safe from ourselves. It’s so prejudiced and evil to exclude someone because they openly go against some religious law that was written in an old book written by some hacks and used as a crutch for people who need to believe in something that simply doesn’t exist. Don’t even try to argue, because we Christians apparently use circular logic by using the Bible to prove God exists. So we should just shut up then.

The word “Can” covers anything and everything, short of preventing hurricanes. (Which only God can do by the way.) If humans “can” do it than you would think we also “should”. These two words need to be isolated and only joined when God calls for it. They don’t equal each other. We humans, who are neck deep in our sins as I speak, do not need to make it any worse for ourselves. God is the only one who can define what we “can” and “should” do. He made us after all. He knows what’s best for us. Just like our parents do for us. You wouldn’t let a 2 year old run around in the street, because it felt like it, would you? You could, but then your child would probably get hit by a car, get seriously injured or die. An adult could also get hit by a car, if they so chose to run in front of one. We “can” do it. Definitely not “should”. So ask God. I can do it, but Dear God, “Should I?”



Words can never describe You

Nothing on earth could ever give you enough glory

Anything we think important is frivolous in Your eyes

Our governments, our companies, our families are nothing next to You

You made us so we are Yours alone

You love us so much you actually call us your sons and daughters

I am in awe of you Father

Knowing what You have done and are doing

I am honored to be a sheep in Your fold

Yet you have made me Your child

An heir to the throne of heaven

If I could’ve been an insect in your royal cupboards

Yet you’ve made me a princess

Destined, and placed beside you

Jesus Your Son is my King

He washes my feet and anoints my head

I fall at his feet and kiss them with joyful tears

All that we’ve been shown and all that will be revealed

Will cause all to kneel before the One, the only God

Praise You Lord, though I’ll never know how to say

How much you mean to a small being like me

I will stay here, and will worship You forever

Forever God



Questions exist for this generation

God? No God?

Job? No Job?

War? No War?

Life? No Life?

Masses wander in confusion

Toil in frustration

Ponder impossible puzzles

Give in to monsterous temptation

Live for society’s appetite

I look at myself

Society would cast a judgemental eye

What of it?

Continually I choose an unlikely way

The only way

Many say ‘Lord, Lord’

The Almighty hears

Truth is uttered for the hearts

Hearts hardened

Consequence of sin harvested

I serve Him

Never enough, never good

I cry for help

Hush, child, I’ve always had you

Just a child, a royal child

Casting myself down

Don’t let people walk on you!

I pray

Give me strength to support

Those who walk on me

Loneliness flees

True love exists

The field of souls ripe

My sickle is sharp

I lift up my unblinded eyes

Waves of doubt rise up

Under the wings I run for shelter

The waves obey their Master

Close to His warmth I gain courage

I emerge, eyes flashing

God’s endless army masses behind

Running, flying, charging

The enemy quakes, turns to run

Swords raised, shield braced

Victory, the curtain torn, the blood is spilled

My own mother is weeping

Her heart breaking

Seeing it now, eyes clear

God welcomes His lost daughter

A feast for a sheep found

Thank you God!

Kingdom come

Bring in the good harvest

Life eternal for the flock

The world’s questions answered



Newton was a scientist. An observer. He claims he discovered gravity. Discovered something that all humans and animals have been aware of from the very beginning of creation. He labeled it, defined it and harnessed it within scientific process and category. He called it the Law of Gravity. Wow, that’s amazing isn’t it? It’s a law of science, which means that it can never be disputed. Basically the definition is “What goes up, must come down.”

Now the word that comes to mind while reflecting upon this is,‘DUH’! It’s not that I think it’s wrong to recognize something and to make others aware for their own benefit, but gravity is just one example to prove my point. What we once gave credit and power to God for we humans attempt to claim for ourselves through our great religion; science. When primitive peoples went about their daily lives they were aware of gravity. They knew if they threw something into the air that it would come back down unless something was there to stop it. They knew the effort it took to raise buildings and structures upward away from the ground. They developed methods to fight gravity and to use it for their own purposes. Gravity is just such an obvious factor that we have no need to think upon it. It’s just the way God made things and that’s all! It’s life on Earth.

It’s just sad how we humans feel we have to control things. We forget that we never have control and just because we understand something that’s already there, doesn’t mean we’ve gained any control. We think if we name something and define it in our understandings that somehow we become masters of our realm. That Earth is our kingdom. How blind we are!

If we do not recognize all things as God’s then all of our understanding is foolishness! Gravity belongs to God. He created it and he controls it. He can also remove it if He wishes or vary it. Certain miracles that happen are simply God adjusting the controls. He knows it’s necessary for life on Earth, thus He allows it to continue so that we can continue. Why do we humans have a need to complicate what has always been simple. By trying to ignore our very Creator we ignore our own existence! Let’s get back to the truth, shall we! Newton was a scientist. An observer. He observed God’s handiwork and told us what we already had known; it’s amazing.


Sitting in Tim Horton’s Waiting for the Car to Be Fixed

Calmly sit, ignore your fear

Let time pass, God has His way

So numb, so determined

I want to leave, go home

Where do I go, back where I came?

Old habits weaken, anger me

‘Normal‘, boring word

I want to be ‘righteous‘, ‘holy’

Make a living, life unwanted

Why dream, drowns in reality

Too many people, going nowhere

Slaves to be free, never get there

Silly college intellectual, what do I know!

Too much, brain hurts


PRAISES (a conversation)

Lord, Lord, I call upon You

There is no excuse for it

How many times have I done it

I don’t know you

Please, Lord I need You

My child, you have such little faith

You give me what I need

Nothing you want is given

What You want

Thank You Lord, always present

I have to give it up to You

Satan, you’ve failed

I am His

Lord, you are real.

Anything else is a maybe.

The church I go to is a maybe.

The bible I read is a maybe.

The pastor I ask of is a maybe.

Lord only You are the real.

So many of your children are led blindly.

Turned into the wide and destructive path.

Souls captured by death.

Emptiness poisons empty hearts.

Only You can fill us.



Sinemia- A condition where sin flows unchecked in a human life due to lack of moral platelets.

Moral Platelets-Sources of understanding of God’s will which help prevent the flow of sin in a human life.

We are in a time of pandemic. No, I don’t speak of the Avian flu. It’s sinemia, as defined above. All humans have some form of the disease. Currently the disease has spread at an alarming rate.

The origin can be traced to Lucifer, God’s most trusted assistant. He formed an idea in his mind that one could choose against God, instead of obey. He proceeded to infect many other angels in heaven. God quarantined Lucifer and the angels to Earth to avoid contaminating any more angels. When humans were created to inhabit the Earth, Lucifer purposely infected Eve, who then infected her husband Adam with the disease. This unfortunately led to generations of humans who inherited the sinemia gene which developed from Adam and Eve. It is now the 21st century and the earth, which was put under human care, has been abused, neglected and irreversibly harmed by the human race. All animals, plants, which existed in a fragile life balance were immediately affected as soon as Eve disobeyed God by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit was not designed to be eaten and so it was the first flaw in the life balance.

The sinemia gene progressed in each human generation to become resistant to treatment. God attempted to eradicate this disease in humans through various attempts to isolate and concentrate His holiness. The Israelites were an attempt at isolation, but unfortunately the attempt failed as those affected rebelled. The disease continued. God persisted and finally developed a schedule of shock treatment. It was extremely risky and expensive, but the devoted physician that He was He knew it was the only way to finally rid humans of sinemia. He sacrificed a part of himself for the cure. His son and head nurse who was named Jesus Christ followed the schedule and ultimately was sent to the depths to meet Lucifer, the originator and affecter of the disease. He offered Lucifer his blood. Lucifer refused. Jesus then rose from physical death and provided an endless supply of a miracle cure for sinemia, His own blood. This Holy Blood, when injected directly into a human heart, causes the production of moral platelets, as defined above. The blood is ultimately effective in eliminating sinemia, but it is only part of the overall treatment for the disease. Jesus went back to His Father, in changed form, and now God is currently waiting for the right timing to send His Son back to gather his patients in order to move them into heaven where in the holy environment, sinemia will be completely eradicated. God observes his patients on a daily basis and has communicated that this second and final step to treatment is very close to completion.

The disease, meanwhile, has become an enormous plague upon the planet with billions of humans inhabiting. Those who have received the holy blood into their hearts have hope for their complete recovery. Unfortunately those who have not had the first treatment are showing strong symptoms which can cause the treated patients’ sinemia to flare up at given times. Usually when in close contact with the untreated. The second treatment can only be effective if those who have the blood treatment are staying in communication with Jesus, who provides tools to help the patients avoid flare-ups. A pamphlet was made out by God to help the patients understand their disease and the method on how it is being treated. By informing the patients, the effectiveness of the soon to come second treatment will be more successful. Jesus keeps God in contact with the patients as a go between head nurse. By information in the pamphlet which was given the name of “Holy Bible”, it seems the expected rate of survival of patients depends entirely on the second treatment being successful. The first blood treatment is permanent, but if the patient wishes, the blood could be flushed from the heart. Fortunately since the blood changes the anatomy of the heart, the blood can be reintroduced if the patient’s wishes also.

Going back to the schedule developed by God to eliminate sinemia from humans, He has considered the fact that, Lucifer, renamed Satan, is still on the earth and spreading the disease. Satan is, in fact encouraging the continuation of sinemia in humans. It is believed he does so because he himself has refused the first blood treatment, and so he will never be cured. With that in mind, he does not want to see the humans he has worked so hard to infect and keep infected become cured of the disease he suffers with. The pamphlet, or Holy Bible, states that when the patients have been relocated in heaven, God will initiate a sterilization of the earth. This process involves a few carefully planned steps which lead to a complete destruction of all of the earth. A rebuilding will begin in a determined time. God also informs his patients that those who have not had the first treatment and those not in direct communication with Jesus His Son, cannot be relocated in the second treatment. Those humans will be destroyed, along with Satan. This will destroy sinemia forever. The patients who will relocate will have a complete recovery and then when the earth is rebuilt they will return to a clean, sterile earth with no fear of reinfection.

The most important information for all patients is to protect themselves from flare-ups of the disease by following the guidelines listed in the pamphlet. Staying in contact with Jesus, the head nurse, is crucial. Keeping informed will help keep moral platelets abundant in the body and will help reduce the flow and symptoms of sinemia. It is most certainly encouraged for all patients to spread the word and the pamphlets. While doing so, be on guard from getting flare-ups from contact with the untreated. God wants all humans to be cured, but the nature of the disease makes this difficult. All of us patients hope all humans have a chance for the cure. I hope this report has been informative and I encourage everyone to get in contact with Jesus and get a copy of the “Holy Bible” We can beat this thing!


Storms-A Phenomena

Just as the lightening bolt seeks to balance the ions

So God sees to bring peace to us, through a jolt of awakening

Just as the currents fight to balance the air, thus creating tornados and hurricanes

So God must allow certain things to be destroyed in our lives to bring balance

Just as the hailstones fall, the rain pours and the snow falls to replenish the water supplies

So God lets blessings fall upon us, in whichever form we need, even if it may hurt

Just as the wind races to move the elements

So God pushes us to where we need to be, despite how much we would resist

Just as the waves crash upon the shores in response to the storms overhead

So God allows things to crash in our lives in order to change us for the better

Just as the sand shifts and blows and the rocks remain firm

So God, who places us upon His firm strength, sees to it we survive the storm


The True Hierarchy of Needs


by: Emily Alexander


Regarding the Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow, I add a touch that seems to paint the very picture the world could benefit from. The levels of the pyramid diagram begin at the bottom with Physiological needs, then Safety, then Belonging and then Esteem. The very top is what is referred to as Self-Actualization. From the stand point of the psychological community, this peak is regarded as only occurring once all the lower tiers have been sufficiently satisfied. This seems quite accurate and one could easily apply this rationalization to any experience. While taking the notes on this concept in my Psychology class, I drew the pyramid model as instructed. Then as the professor explained each tier in detail and then explained the peak, I did as I commonly do. I tried to apply this logic to my Christian faith. It suddenly occurred to me that if I were to put God in this picture, specifically the pyramid model, I would automatically place Him on top. I drew the model in my notes and then wrote ‘God’ on the tip of the peak. Then I drew a parenthesis from ‘God’ to the base of the pyramid, indicating that ‘God’ was included in all levels at the same time. From there this theme continued in my notes as I began to realize how this applied to life.

The professor lectured using a real life example of a woman with three kids trapped in an abusive relationship with the father. First he used the Physiological level to describe how she felt she had to stay with the father of her children out of need. The father was the provider of food, shelter and clothing for her and her children. Then she found out about a shelter available for her and her children that would provide her Physiological needs until she could find a job. She had thus moved from the bottom tier to the next tier. As she got a job and found a place to stay, her Safety needs began to fill in. Then eventually as her Safety needs filled up, she moved on to Belonging. She joined a support group and renewed friendships she had neglected before. Once she did that and her needs were filled she moved to the Esteem level. She never finished high-school. Although she had moved to manager where she worked, was making enough money to live in a good place and support her kids, she decided to get her diploma for her own self-esteem. Thus she moved up to near the top. In theory she could keep going until her Esteem needs filled and then find a moment of Self-Realization. The professor explained, although it’s possible to reach this level, it never lasts very long. Life is full of complications and when everything seems perfect and running just right, something will go wrong eventually to cause the person to have to jump back down the pyramid and try to fill where the complication has made them deficient. He says that this happens frequently and in many different levels, so that a person could never stay at the top very long.

In theory, if people fill all of their needs on this hierarchy, they will reach self-realization. It would thus explain certain behaviors people have. Why normal, healthy people do senseless things. Like stay with an abusive spouse. Institutions around the world have adopted Maslow’s model for dealing with people. Businesses, hospitals, charities, etc. They diagnose problems that arise by trying to find where the deficiency is in the person’s life and trying to fill it. I, for the most part, agree with this. Of course the original model leaves out a very important aspect.

GOD. Yes, that controversial being that makes some smile and nod their heads and some tense up and frown. I see the pyramid model as the struggle for our survival on earth. All people climb this pyramid in their daily lives. Many never make it past the third level, let alone the fourth. Some stay trapped in the bottom in poverty. All have sand in their fingernails, scratching and clawing to get a hold on the level above. You may see ladders that some lucky individuals have that make it so much easier to climb, but the ladders can’t reach very high. The ladders could be winning the lottery or inheriting a fortune for instance. Some people on the upper levels see those below and feel compassion. They throw down ropes to hoist them up. These could include countless charities designed to help the less fortunate. A vivid picture.

There’s a man who’s reached the very top level. He’s finally landed his dream job. The American Dream has been finally reached. He stops and catches his breath and then has it stolen away by the wonder of the view. The whole world is before him. He can obtain anything he wants. Nothing is beyond his grasp. His struggle is done and he’s accomplished his goals. He stands there victorious, feeling pride of what he’s accomplished. Suddenly his foot slips. Down he goes, sliding faster and faster. He tumbles violently downward. He lands somewhere on a lower level, bruised, bloodied and in need. He peers up to the top in pain. His eyes fill with tears and his heart sinks as he realizes he must climb all over again. This time, he wonders if he even has the strength.

Now, here comes the miracle. Since God is on the very tip of the pyramid and also surrounds it at the same time, He can take that battered and beaten climber straight back up and put him even higher than before. Higher and higher he goes as God’s hand lifts him up. Now he’s rising above the mountain and realizes he has wings. He’s soaring. He flies out and sees the climbers below on the mountain. As he peers up and sees God, he realizes that the impossible has become reality. God brought him up higher than he could have ever gone without. His tears of despair are now tears of joy.

My point is clear. With God, all of our needs are filled, and all the levels can be bypassed. We become filled, like a cup overflowing. Only with God can we soar above the pyramid and we realize that our only true need was to need God. I invite anyone who is struggling on any level of life to look up. Reach for God and He will reach for you! Tell everyone! Grab another climber’s hand and with the other hold on to God’s. This life is a life of disappointment and endless struggle! It doesn’t have to be that way! Bypass the pyramid! Let God lift you up! Through Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself so that the vast void between us and God would be eliminated, we are saved! The unreachable has become reachable!




Please, feel free to copy this piece along with the model! God bless! (March 15th, 2007)